Humans First
Saturday, November 23, 2002
  Humanity invades commerce Nip over to the Speccie and read how serendipitous untidyness can provoke random acts of humanity.

PS Can we turn on RSS for this blog?  
Monday, November 18, 2002
  Euen and Tom Make Sense Yes, this makes good sense. To talk from our humaness. I like that. We do that on our individual blogs, some of us. What will make this different? That we're joined here? I mean, could it be, now that most of us here "know" one another, that we hang out here like we're at our blogger place in the woods and just relate? Hey, I really like that...

and... yes, Marek, Norwegian fjords...

somehow that is a fitting symbol.

When I was growing up, I had horses. I loved my horses, and although I never owned a Fjord pony, the Fjord was a symbol of sturdy steadfast determination. Still is:

Swimming your horse in Lake Ontario, riding bareback through the trails in the park, soaked blue jeans sticking to his back, getting bucked off and having the wind knocked out of you, these are all generally more human experiences than we engage in at work. No doubt.

So I'm for human first discussions here. I'm for whatever we want to do. I've already learned a lot from the posts of the past week. Keep em coming. We'll gel. We always do.

we are not consumers. please don't confuse our interests and desires with consumptions. we are humans first.

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
2002-11-10 / 2002-11-17 / 2002-11-24 / 2002-12-01 / 2002-12-15 / 2009-10-18 / 2009-10-25 / 2012-06-24 /

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